A Selection of Works from The 7th Damonfar Biennial | "Observation": Group Exhibition

21 June - 12 July 2019
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Press release

Dastan+2 is pleased to announce “Observation”, a selection of works from the 7th “Damonfar Painting Biennial” on June 21, 2019, the exhibition will be open for public viewing through July 12, 2019. In a text written for this exhibition, Aidin Xankeshipour states “This project is the result of being mindfully aware of the necessity of being observant and pursuing it. Works presented at this exhibition are sparks of youth, but not necessarily of novelty, for creating a quality of innovation is a result of a rough journey and this cannot be applied to the works and people present at this exhibition. “Observing” in this sense bears witness to the idea that hard work leads to exquisiteness and value”. Works by Sepehr Imanpoor, Mohamad Hosein Khatamifar, Marzieh Khoshtarkib, Shayan Shahabi, Mohadeseh Taheri, Amir Hossein Akbari Alavijeh, Fariborz Ghalam, Amir Sina Mozafari Tabar, Fatemeh Movahed Nejad and Mohamad ali Nikouray are featured in this project. “Observation” is formed upon a proposition from Dastan and is held in collaboration with the archive of Damonfar Biennial as a foundation for introducing young artists and Rokhdad-EJostejou.